To fight him, Ferdinand II employed the military help of Albrecht von Wallenstein, a Bohemian nobleman who had made himself rich from the confiscated bestates/b of his countrymen. b...../b Simplicius Simplicissimus (1668) by bHans/b Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen, the most important German novel of the 17th century, is the comic fictional autobiography of a German peasant turned mercenary who serves under various powers during the war, based on the author's first-hand ...
Vise od filantropskog je angazovanje Sinan pashe da ozivi sve ovo je izgradnja ?mosta Sunca?negde u tesnacu Vape,kojeg spominje Ami Bue(1940)i sto su se potrudili pri identifikaciji Han(1863) i Jastrebov(1867). ...